2024 Awards - CLOSED
The CACTE Excellence Awards Program seeks to promote excellence in career and technical education by recognizing individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of career and technical education, programs which exemplify the highest standards, and organizations which have conducted activities to help promote and expand career and technical education programs.
Awards applications are closed for 2024. Be thinking about who you want to nominate for 2025!
Awards nominations must be submitted by current CACTE members. Nominees for CACTE/ACTE awards must be current ACTE/CACTE members.
Candidates for CACTE Excellence Awards may nominate themselves or be nominated by a third party, with the exception of Hall of Fame. HOF nominations must come from a third party.
If your division presented awards, please submit the nomination for consideration by CACTE!
Read tips from the ACTE Awards Committee for how to write a strong nomination application!
Click here for a list of previous CACTE Excellence Award Winners!
Deadline & Contact Information
Nomination applications must be completed by June 5.
Contact cacte@cacte.org with questions.
Two Categories of Awards
CACTE Awards eligible to move on: awards where the state winner moves on for consideration at the Region V level.
CACTE Only Awards: there is no corresponding regional or national award
These awards are “Colorado ACTE Only” awards and must be submitted online by June 5 via the Colorado ACTE Awards Google Form. Nominators must be CACTE members.
CACTE Outstanding Career and Technical Education Student – Secondary
This award recognizes an outstanding CTE secondary student who has demonstrated leadership, growth, innovation, and accomplishment in knowledge, technical skills and career preparedness.
CACTE Outstanding Career and Technical Education Student – Postsecondary
This award recognizes an outstanding CTE postsecondary student who has demonstrated leadership, growth, innovation, and accomplishment in knowledge, technical skills and career readiness.
CACTE Exemplary CTE Alumni Award
This award recognizes an Exemplary CTE Alumni who illustrates the mission of CTE; who has made significant strides and shown professional commitment/promise early in his/her career. The person attributes at least some of his/her success to completion of a secondary and/or postsecondary CTE program and/or participation in a CTSO.
CACTE Outstanding Service By A Member Award
This award recognizes an individual CACTE member who has made a significant impact on and numerous contributions to career and technical education through active involvement in the professional organization of the Colorado Association for Career and Technical Education and its affiliates.
CACTE Hall of Fame
The CACTE Hall of Fame Award is an honor of highest distinction bestowed upon those who have dedicated their lives to seeing the growth and success of Career and Technical Education in Colorado and either were/are members of Colorado ACTE. Persons in this category are those who have both history and vision for CTE and have made extraordinary contributions to the field. They were/are involved in all aspects of the profession from CTSO to professional organization and their legacy will continue far beyond their exit from the profession.
CACTE/ACTE AWARDS: These awards are eligible for CACTE, Region V and ACTE level consideration and must be submitted online by June 5 via the Colorado ACTE Awards Google Form. Nominees and nominators must be CACTE members.
Nominations for the 2024 CACTE Excellence Awards are closed! Colorado winners then go on to the Region V selection committee for 2025. If the Region V winner is selected as the ACTE winner, that award is presented at the 2025 ACTE VISION conference as the 2026 winner. Really, that’s how it works! 🙂 Click on the award name to see specific guidelines from ACTE.
ACTE Teacher of the Year (CACTE/Region V/ACTE) – This award recognizes the finest career and technical teachers at the middle/secondary school level who have demonstrated innovation in the classroom, commitment to their students and dedication to the improvement of CTE in their institutions and communities. Nominee must be a current ACTE/CACTE member.
ACTE Postsecondary Professional of the Year (CACTE/Region V/ACTE) –This award recognizes the finest career and technical professionals at the postsecondary level who have demonstrated innovation in CTE, commitment to student success and dedication to the improvement of CTE in their institutions and communities. Nominee must be a current ACTE/CACTE member.
ACTE New Teacher of the Year {3-5 years of service} (CACTE/Region V/ACTE) - This award recognizes new CTE teachers who have made significant contributions toward innovative and unique career and technical education programs and shown a professional commitment early in their careers. Nominee must be a current ACTE/CACTE member.
ACTE Administrator of the Year (CACTE/Region V/ACTE) –This award recognizes administrative CTE professionals at the school, district, county, state or federal level who have demonstrated leadership in ensuring teacher and student success and have made significant contributions toward innovative, unique and effective career and technical education programs. Nominee must be a current ACTE/CACTE member.
ACTE Counseling & Career Development Professional Award (CACTE/Region V/ACTE) –This award recognizes school counselors and career development professionals who have demonstrated commitment to connecting students with opportunities for success, shown innovation in career exploration and development, and have advocated for CTE as a viable option for all students. Nominee must be a current ACTE/CACTE member.
ACTE Teacher Educator of the Year (CACTE/Region V/ACTE) –This award recognizes teacher educators who have demonstrated innovation in teacher education, leadership in improving CTE, and commitment to preparing teachers to deliver high quality CTE programs. Nominee must be a current ACTE/CACTE member.
ACTE Carl Perkins Community Service Award (CACTE/Region V/ACTE) – This award recognizes individuals who have used CTE to make a significant impact on their community and demonstrated leadership in programs and activities that promote student involvement in community service. Nominee must be a current ACTE/CACTE member.
ACTE Lifetime Achievement Award (CACTE/Region V/ACTE) – This award recognizes CTE professionals for their leadership on behalf of ACTE, their innovations in CTE and their contributions to the field over an extended period of time. Nominee must be a current ACTE/CACTE member.
The CACTE Awards Committee was pleased to recognize seven winners at the recent 2024 CACTE CareerTech Summit! It is an opportunity to recognize the fantastic work of our students and colleagues. Who will YOU nominate for the 2025 Awards?
Group photo left to right: Carli Engel, Jonathan Burke, Dr. Sarah Heath, Tautinei Afalava, Jessica Threadgill (not pictured: Kyndal Richards and Dr. Teina McConnell)

Click on each photo to learn more about the 2024 award recipients.