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CACTE Committees


Are you interested in sharing your time, talents and skills with CACTE?  Join a CACTE Committee and meet new people, represent your division, make a difference for Colorado CTE and give back to your professional association!


Complete this application to indicate your interest in getting involved on a CACTE Committee.


Refer to the CACTE Gov Docs section of the CACTE website for more information about the CACTE Committees, their missions, and tasks outlined in the following governing documents:

  • Bylaws - Article IX

  • Policies & Procedures Manual - Governance: CACTE Committees

Listing of CACTE Committees

  • Awards

  • Bylaws/Policies & Procedures

  • Conference Planning

  • Finance

  • IAED (Inclusion, Access, Equity & Diversity)

  • Legislative

  • Membership

  • Outreach/Advocacy




Recognize outstanding achievements by individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the career and technical education field in Colorado



  • Follow ACTE’s awards criteria and selection process for ACTE/CACTE Excellence Awards

  • Develop, review, and update criteria and applications for CACTE Excellence Awards (specific to CACTE)

  • Solicit nominations for the ACTE/CACTE awards

  • Encourage Divisions to submit nominees

  • Be sure nominator enters all materials needed on CACTE awards portal by deadline

  • Review applications and select award winners for each category, using awards portal

  • Notify all award winners and nominators of results and invite them/their guests to the awards presentation at the CACTE CareerTech Summit

  • Arrange for the purchase/engraving of awards

  • Arrange for the presentation of awards at the CACTE CareerTech Summit- suggested to invite nominator to do presentation

  • Ensure that ACTE/CACTE Excellence Awards winners are moved on to Region V Awards through the awards portal, after reviewing their application

  • The Past president is the EC Liaison to the Awards Committee


  • Keep the Bylaws and Policies/Procedures Manual (PPM) current, reflective of desires and needs of members, and inclusive of changes needed in CACTE Bylaws and/or PPM necessitated by changes in ACTE Bylaws


  • Co-chaired by the Secretary and Past President

  • Evaluate Bylaws and Policies/Procedures Manual (PPM) for any necessary revisions

  • Receive and make proposed Bylaws changes; discuss and submit to the CACTE Board as described in Bylaws Article XI

  • If the CACTE Board approves Bylaws changes for presentation to the membership, write summary sheet of changes and post/distribute according to timeline in Article XI, section 2

  • If approved by the membership, arrange for the posting/distribution of revised CACTE Bylaws, including to ACTE

  • If there are approved ACTE Bylaws changes, make necessary automatic updates to CACTE Bylaws

  • Receive and make proposed PPM changes; discuss and submit to the CACTE Board for approval as described in the PPM

  • If approved by Board, distribute revised PPM to Board members

  • Work closely with president, executive director and Board during this process

  • Post both current documents on the CACTE website (LEAD, Governing Docs)

Provide CACTE members and other CTE professionals access to high quality professional development in a (preferably) face-to-face setting


  • Chaired by the CACTE President, with president-elect as an active member

  • Refer to Conference Planning section of the Policies/Procedures Manual (PPM) for more details

  • Oversee planning of annual conference in conjunction with the Executive Director and Summit Assistant

  • Make decisions regarding the schedule-at-a-glance

  • Provide insight into possible conference locations

  • Review call for proposals document

  • Evaluate call for proposal submission; select sessions to be presented; help slot into program

  • Volunteer as needed during conference

  • Ensure that conference evaluation is sent, compiled and reviewed

  • Summit Assistant is a member of this committee




Safeguard the assets of the association



  • Chaired by the CACTE treasurer; composed of division treasurers, and others as appropriate

  • Develop appropriate financial oversight process for the finances of the association

  • Create and maintain a culture of honesty and high ethics

  • Review association resources and determine a percentage of annual operating budget to set aside as a reserve/contingency fund

  • Arrange for annual financial review of records

  • Arrange for a professional audit at the end of an executive director’s tenure

  • Review proposed CACTE budget and submit to the CACTE Executive Committee

  • Monitor investments for appropriateness and return on investment

  • Refer to Financial Management section of the PPM for more details

IAED COMMITTEE (Inclusion, Access, Equity & Diversity)



Continue to build an inclusive culture that encourages, supports and celebrates the diversity of the CTE community.  We are committed to inclusion, access, equity, and diversity throughout the Association



  • Serve as a liaison to the Board and divisions in the planning of events and development of resources to ensure IAED principles are considered

  • Recommend IAED resources to be linked on the CACTE website

  • Write relevant content for the CACTE newsletter

  • The Past President is the EC Liaison to the IAED Committee

(currently a special committee)

Advise CACTE Board and members on legislative issues impacting career and technical education and develop an effective network for the dissemination of information regarding legislative issues


  • With the assistance of the CACTE Legislative Specialist and/or ACTE:

    • Keep members informed of legislation at the local, state and national levels which impacts CTE

    • Develop and distribute annual CACTE Legislative Priorities document

    • Establish and maintain good relationships with state and national legislators

    • Keep legislators informed of accomplishments and concerns of CTE throughout the year

    • Work closely with the Colorado Community Colleges System and ACTE on state/national legislation

    • Organize and maintain a communications network among committee members so that immediate action can be set into motion

    • Be prepared to contact legislators by most appropriate method

    • Ensure posting of legislative information/updates as needed

  • Collaborate with Outreach Committee on state and national advocacy efforts

  • Adhere to Legislative Committee Operating Norms

    • Participate in biweekly committee calls during Legislative Session and other calls as needed

    • Especially during the Legislative Session, respond to emails ASAP with requested comments, input, suggestions

  • The Outreach Committee Chair serves on the Legislative Committee and vice versa

  • The President is the EC Liaison to the Legislative Committee




To promote and position ACTE and Colorado ACTE as a desired professional association for CTE professionals to join and become engaged, active members



  • Increase membership in the association through retention of existing members and recruitment of new members

  • Communicate the value of professional association membership

  • Identify new markets for membership growth

  • Create, promote and enhance state-level member benefits and services

  • Conduct Member Needs Assessments regularly

  • Recognize CACTE Member of the Month regularly

  • Prepare CACTE membership promotional materials for distribution

  • Membership Assistant is a member of this committee

  • The Treasurer is the EC Liaison to the Membership Committee




To work in collaboration with the Legislative Committee to promote CTE at the state and local levels



  • Remember that outreach happens at all levels - local school/workplace, school board, local government, county government, state government, federal government

  • Lead planning for state and national advocacy efforts, in collaboration with the Legislative Committee, especially during National CTE Month in February

  • Encourage members to engage state and federal legislators on a local level

  • Develop and maintain a suggested calendar of outreach activities for member involvement

  • Write relevant content for the CACTE newsletter

  • Help with social media posts, as appropriate

  • Share advocacy resources from ACTE and CACTE

  • The Legislative Committee Chair serves on the Outreach Committee and vice versa

  • The President-Elect is the EC Liaison to the Outreach Committee

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