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CACTE Committees


Are you interested in sharing your time, talents and skills with CACTE?  Join a CACTE Committee and meet new people, represent your division, make a difference for Colorado CTE and give back to your professional association!


Complete this application to indicate your interest in getting involved on a CACTE Committee.


Refer to the CACTE Gov Docs section of the CACTE website for more information about the CACTE Committees, their missions, and tasks outlined in the following governing documents:

  • Bylaws - Article IX

  • Policies & Procedures Manual - Governance: CACTE Committees




Recognize outstanding achievements by individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the career and technical education field in Colorado



  • Follow ACTE’s awards criteria and selection process for ACTE/CACTE Excellence Awards

  • Develop, review, and update criteria and applications for CACTE Excellence Awards (specific to CACTE)

  • Solicit nominations for the ACTE/CACTE awards

  • Encourage Divisions to submit nominees

  • Be sure nominator enters all materials needed on CACTE awards portal by deadline

  • Review applications and select award winners for each category, using awards portal

  • Notify all award winners and nominators of results and invite them/their guests to the awards presentation at the CACTE CareerTech Summit

  • Arrange for the purchase/engraving of awards

  • Arrange for the presentation of awards at the CACTE CareerTech Summit- suggested to invite nominator to do presentation

  • Ensure that ACTE/CACTE Excellence Awards winners are moved on to Region V Awards through the awards portal, after reviewing their application

  • The Past president is the EC Liaison to the Awards Committee




  • Keep the Bylaws and Policies/Procedures Manual (PPM) current, reflective of desires and needs of members, and inclusive of changes needed in CACTE Bylaws and/or PPM necessitated by changes in ACTE Bylaws



  • Co-chaired by the Secretary and Past President

  • Evaluate Bylaws and Policies/Procedures Manual (PPM) for any necessary revisions

  • Receive and make proposed Bylaws changes; discuss and submit to the CACTE Board as described in Bylaws Article XI

  • If the CACTE Board approves Bylaws changes for presentation to the membership, write summary sheet of changes and post/distribute according to timeline in Article XI, section 2

  • If approved by the membership, arrange for the posting/distribution of revised CACTE Bylaws, including to ACTE

  • If there are approved ACTE Bylaws changes, make necessary automatic updates to CACTE Bylaws

  • Receive and make proposed PPM changes; discuss and submit to the CACTE Board for approval as described in the PPM

  • If approved by Board, distribute revised PPM to Board members

  • Work closely with president, executive director and Board during this process

  • Post both current documents on the CACTE website (LEAD, Governing Docs)




Ensure that Colorado CTE and CACTE information is visible to members and to the public



  • Convey to public and membership the mission, purposes and function of the association as they relate to the program of work

  • Share CTE public relations materials via website, social media, e-newsletters and other appropriate means

  • Promote the desirability of becoming a career and technical education professional

  • Encourage CACTE members to submit articles for CACTE and/or ACTE publications

  • The Secretary is the EC Liaison to the Communications Committee

Provide CACTE members and other CTE professionals access to high quality professional development in a (preferably) face-to-face setting


  • Chaired by the CACTE President, with president-elect as an active member

  • Refer to Conference Planning section of the Policies/Procedures Manual (PPM) for more details

  • Oversee planning of annual conference in conjunction with the Executive Director and Summit Assistant

  • Make decisions regarding the schedule-at-a-glance

  • Provide insight into possible conference locations

  • Review call for proposals document

  • Evaluate call for proposal submission; select sessions to be presented; help slot into program

  • Volunteer as needed during conference

  • Ensure that conference evaluation is sent, compiled and reviewed

  • Summit Assistant is a member of this committee




Safeguard the assets of the association



  • Chaired by the CACTE treasurer; composed of division treasurers, and others as appropriate

  • Develop appropriate financial oversight process for the finances of the association

  • Create and maintain a culture of honesty and high ethics

  • Review association resources and determine a percentage of annual operating budget to set aside as a reserve/contingency fund

  • Arrange for annual financial review of records

  • Arrange for a professional audit at the end of an executive director’s tenure

  • Review proposed CACTE budget and submit to the CACTE Executive Committee

  • Monitor investments for appropriateness and return on investment

  • Refer to Financial Management section of the PPM for more details

Advise CACTE Board and members on legislative issues impacting career and technical education and develop an effective network for the dissemination of information regarding legislative issues


  • With the assistance of the CACTE Legislative Specialist and/or ACTE:

    • Keep members informed of legislation at the local, state and national levels which impacts CTE

    • Develop and distribute annual CACTE Legislative Priorities document

    • Establish and maintain good relationships with state and national legislators

    • Keep legislators informed of accomplishments and concerns of CTE throughout the year

    • Work closely with the Colorado Community Colleges System and ACTE on state/national legislation

    • Organize and maintain a communications network among committee members so that immediate action can be set into motion

    • Be prepared to contact legislators by most appropriate method

    • Ensure posting of legislative information/updates as needed

  • Collaborate with Outreach Committee on state and national advocacy efforts

  • Adhere to Legislative Committee Operating Norms

    • Participate in biweekly committee calls during Legislative Session and other calls as needed

    • Especially during the Legislative Session, respond to emails ASAP with requested comments, input, suggestions

  • The Outreach Committee Chair serves on the Legislative Committee and vice versa

  • The President is the EC Liaison to the Legislative Committee




To promote and position ACTE and Colorado ACTE as a desired professional association for CTE professionals to join and become engaged, active members



  • Increase membership in the association through retention of existing members and recruitment of new members

  • Communicate the value of professional association membership

  • Identify new markets for membership growth

  • Create, promote and enhance state-level member benefits and services

  • Conduct Member Needs Assessments regularly

  • Recognize CACTE Member of the Month regularly

  • Prepare CACTE membership promotional materials for distribution

  • Membership Assistant is a member of this committee

  • The Treasurer is the EC Liaison to the Membership Committee

Listing of CACTE Committees


  • Awards

  • Bylaws/Policies & Procedures

  • Communications

  • Conference Planning

  • Finance

  • IAED (Inclusion, Access, Equity & Diversity)

  • Legislative

  • Membership

  • Outreach/Advocacy




To work in collaboration with the Legislative Committee to promote CTE at the state and local levels



  • Remember that outreach happens at all levels - local school/workplace, school board, local government, county government, state government, federal government

  • Lead planning for state and national advocacy efforts, in collaboration with the Legislative Committee, especially during National CTE Month in February

  • Encourage members to engage state and federal legislators on a local level

  • Develop and maintain a suggested calendar of outreach activities for member involvement

  • Write relevant content for the CACTE newsletter

  • Help with social media posts, as appropriate

  • Share advocacy resources from ACTE and CACTE

  • The Legislative Committee Chair serves on the Outreach Committee and vice versa

  • The President-Elect is the EC Liaison to the Outreach Committee

IAED COMMITTEE (Inclusion, Access, Equity & Diversity



Continue to build an inclusive culture that encourages, supports and celebrates the diversity of the CTE community.  We are committed to inclusion, access, equity, and diversity throughout the Association



  • Serve as a liaison to the Board and divisions in the planning of events and development of resources to ensure IAED principles are considered

  • Recommend IAED resources to be linked on the CACTE website

  • Write relevant content for the CACTE newsletter

  • The Past President is the EC Liaison to the IAED Committee

(currently a special committee)

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