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State of the State Report


Each year in October, Colorado ACTE is required to submit an annual report to ACTE to remain an affiliated state association. Part of the requirements is the State of the State report. Read it here!

ACTE Quality Association Standards Award (QAS)
A related opportunity is applying for the Quality Association Standards (QAS) award. Your CACTE Executive Committee and Board have worked diligently to meet the requirements for the QAS and we excited to announce that Colorado ACTE is a 2024 QAS WINNER – yahoo! 


The purpose of the Quality Association Standards  (QAS) is to recognize state associations that have in place policies, procedures and  structure that demonstrate a high level of service and attention to member value. QAS  should be useful to states in evaluating their basic organization and whether their  leadership is providing minimum, average or superior programs for the membership. There are nine criterion list below, each with multiple sub-criteria for evaluation purposes.


  • Mission, Goals and Objectives – The association must have adopted a current, clear and positive mission statement, goals and  objectives. The association must be able to demonstrate how it presently fulfills its mission and  meets its goals and general objectives as articulated in its strategic plan (long range plan). It must be  able to show how it plans to achieve its general and specific objectives in the future.  

  • Governing Body, Officers, and Directors – The governing body of the association represents major interests of the membership. Provision for  periodic rotation of officers and directors is desirable. The roles of the officers and directors must be  clearly defined and the manner in which they are fulfilling their functions demonstrated. Formal  orientation procedures for governing body members are in place and regularly conducted.

  • Organizational Structure and Documents – The association must have Articles of Incorporation/Association and Bylaws and demonstrate that it operates in conformance with federal and state laws. It must show that all pertinent documents are  periodically reviewed, are consistent with one another, revised when necessary and that the  association’s organizational design and operations are in keeping with its Bylaws or  equivalent documents.

  • Programs, Services and Activities – There must be evidence that the association’s programs, services and activities meet member and  other targeted groups’ needs, are formally planned, funded, coordinated, implemented, monitored,  and evaluated, and that sufficient human resources are available to implement, maintain and  evaluate these programs, services and activities.

  • Financial Planning and Reporting – Financial planning must relate directly to the association’s strategic plan and programming. The  association must have realistic plans for developing income and controlling costs. It must present  evidence of fiscal controls, a full-disclosure reporting system and an annual audit. 

  • Membership Development and Retention – The association must demonstrate that its current membership/potential membership ratio is  reasonable. It must have an effective and continuing program of membership retention and  recruitment.

  • Communications – The association must demonstrate that its external and internal communications are commensurate  with membership needs, that they address the various audiences (publics) that influence the goals  and objectives of the organization, and that the association utilizes technology as appropriate.

  • Public Policy – The association must demonstrate that it has established a list of clearly defined issues which are  monitored regularly through analysis and reporting, and whose findings are communicated to the  members and the outside public in a timely way. The association must show that there is adequate  funding for a public policy program at all levels, that it is successful in gaining access to key decision  makers, and that it has shown success in achieving its goals.

  • Operations – The association must have in place a workforce and systems to effectively operate the organization.  The size, skills, and reporting relationships of the volunteer workforce or staff are directly related to  the scope of services provided by the association. If paid staff is utilized there must be evidence of  stability in staff, a clear organizational structure, and appropriate personnel practices. The  association must demonstrate that it has in place a cohesive office automation plan, taking into  account current as well as anticipated future needs. Such a plan should include provisions for database management, accounting, and telecommunications, and must be appropriate for the size and  scope of operation. Additionally, system procedures should be fully documented and secure from unauthorized access.







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